There are a lot of people in this world. When you get a lot of people together, you get a LOT of different opinions.
I mean, opinions are like ears---everybody has 2. Or something.
Well, today's email comes from a woman scorned.
Now, I don't think she's scorned, but apparently---the heifer that wrote the email, wanted to throw some scorn around.
And like I always say, throw around scorn, and wake up with dragon breath and cat tongue.
The gist of the email was this: There's some "family" drama.
A friend (not even a relative)of the Queen of the Center of the Dramaverse decided to get involved. Well this "friend" (I love using quotation marks for added finesse!)decided to throw around a bunch of scripture and use the name of Cheezus all at the same time--but not in a very nice way.
This email contains:
1 use each of the following terms: cold-hearted, evil stronghold, cruel, and messed up.
2 uses of the word: punishing
4 uses of the word: ashamed
and a whopping...
EIGHT (8) uses of the word: forgive
all before...
Quoting the Holy Bible in all capital letters.
I mean, really? Capital letters. For real, there were some angry folks in the Old Testament. They didn't write in capital letters. I mean, that guy Job---he had some major issues!
So my dear UNScorned Woman...a response:
Dear Crazy for Cheezus:
Now, I haven't been to the House of the Lawd in a long time. They kicked me out for having a broad...mind.
Anyway, last time I checked, being a good follower meant that you were nice to everyone and didn't condemn.
I won't cast the other stiletto here. I will simply tell you that karma, she's a heifer.
I'd hate to see you on the front page with camel toe!
Aunt Heifer
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Sticks and Stones Can Break Your Bones, But Words Can Make you Giggle!